Battle reports

Shiver me timbers matey

After summer holidays it was time for some naval action, this time with David Manley’s rather spiffing Form Line of Battle rules. Three ships a side, Swedes against Russians. Fun and furious game, but it might make sense to adjust the boarding rules to make it even more difficult to grapple and board enemy ships. The Swedes managed to lose …

Refight of Lapua 14th of July 2008

General de Brigade scenario details are here. Setup for the game. Russian forces occupy Suurkylä (Lapua proper) on lower left and Liuhtari on lower right as well as crossroads inside the forest east of Liuhtari. Finnish forces start advancing from north. 4th brigade skirmishes through the woods towards SE and 2nd brigade trundles through the rye fields towards Suurkylä. Russian …

Finnish flags

Most of the regiments used the provincial coat of arms as the emblem in their colours. In most cases each regiment had the same number of colours as it had batallions or squadrons. Jaegers had no colours. The pdf file below has a number of ready-to-print flags.

Swedish uniforms

In these tables you’ll find info on the uniform colors used by Finnish and Swedish units. Info on the equipment can be found on the painting the miniatures -page.