I more or less finished painting the first of my Age of Lace regiments – Louis XIV’s Regiment Lorraine. I used 32 figures from the excellent Pendraken League of Augsburg range (Matchlockmen marching). I did not have any pikemen figures, so this must be one of the regiments where the men decided to switch to all musket formation. The basing allows me to use a four base regiment for Maurice, or field them as two regiments for Might and Reason.

4 thoughts on “Regiment Lorraine in 10mm”
Anonymous November 7, 2015 at 16:18
Very nice! It looks like the LoA figures are a bit larger than the older WSS line, like the AWI line? But you do need some pikes … 😉
ReplyAksu November 7, 2015 at 16:29
Pikes, ahem. Yes. Picking up some at Warfare next week, so the next regiment will be sorted 🙂
ReplyGee Bards November 7, 2015 at 22:42
Very nice indeed. Makes me think about doing 10mil myself. I look forward to the rest coming together. Thanks for publishing.
ReplyAksu November 11, 2015 at 22:20
Thank you for the comment. The next regiment will probably be red-clad dutch. Looking forward to painting something colourful!