Denmark 1940 CoC
This is a small mini campaign inspired by the Danish Film April 9th (Nordisk Film 2015).
Historical Miniature Wargames
This is a small mini campaign inspired by the Danish Film April 9th (Nordisk Film 2015).
A great online resource for the Soviet – Finnish border areas is the site. You can search for places and download accurate contemporary maps.
Winter of No Surrender Winter of No Surrender (WoNS) is part of our official WWII CoC Grande Campaign. Players on both sides will have their own player characters leading platoons (on the Finnish side) and companies (Soviet side) / other forces and engage in historical scenarios over 105 days of fighting on the Karelian Isthmus. Any characters surviving the Winter …
Here is the Battle of Elkhorn Tavern Map PDF containing OB and map for the refight.
Here is the MA Oravainen PDF containing the OB that was put quickly together (plenty of generalization) by Aksu to give March Attack rules. The battle report can be found here.
Here is the Leetown PDF containing OB and map for the refight.
Here is the Swift Run Bridge 1862 PDF containing OB and map for the refight.
Some time ago I hosted an Eastern Front 1944 Campaign for the club. As I was actually living in the UK at the time, I had to come up with a way to create some umpire-led confusion into games I couldn’t physically attend. I wanted to script a sequence of off-board events, that would be hidden from the players, and …
This pdf document lists the forces we employed in our Albuera 1811 refight. We used Shako rules, so each unit is a battalion / cavalry regiment, and each player controlled a division. Albeura 1811 order of battle
On these pages we describe the battles that we have re-created in miniature.