Denmark 1940 CoC
This is a small mini campaign inspired by the Danish Film April 9th (Nordisk Film 2015).
Historical Miniature Wargames
This is a small mini campaign inspired by the Danish Film April 9th (Nordisk Film 2015).
We fought the first battle in our Winter of No Surrender campaign. The Red Army crossed the border at Rajajoki with two sections of border guards and a section of engineers. The battle ended in a major Finnish victory.
Winter of No Surrender Winter of No Surrender (WoNS) is part of our official WWII CoC Grande Campaign. Players on both sides will have their own player characters leading platoons (on the Finnish side) and companies (Soviet side) / other forces and engage in historical scenarios over 105 days of fighting on the Karelian Isthmus. Any characters surviving the Winter …
Heikki organised a CoC game based on a historical WW2 battle with a long range Finnish patrol fighting NKVD troops. History was reversed, the Finns launched furious charges and decimated the Soviets with their SMG fire. Heavy casualties all round. On another table Petri’s confederates trashed Eero’s Union army in a 1861 Longstreet game. As usual.
The weakened paratroopers advanced swiftly towards the Northern side of the rail bridge. Aksu advanced along the rail line in a small wooded area. Eero’s line of advance was more open and led him into a suburb. True to form Aksu advanced cautiously, using his scouts to flush out the jerries. Eero was more aggressive, charging the Germans in some …
The American paratroopers managed to cross the river Waal with 30 percent losses, and in this game they were tasked with spearheading the advance towards the bridges. Eero was charging towards the old fort and Aksu was to advance under the railroad, into the town and onto the road bridge. Eero ran into stiff opposition and suffered severe losses before …
The third battle in our Chain of Command Nijmegen campaign saw Aksu and Eero as the paratroopers of the 504th cross the Waal river. The actual crossing and the losses we suffered depended on pure luck. Both platoons lost a third of their strength to German fire. The tabletop game depicted the last 150 yards the paras had to cross …
In the second fight in our Market Garden campaign the 504 Parachute infantry was tasked to scout the outskirts of a town and pick up any transport and prisoners they could.
Platoon of parachute infantry was sent to patrol the perimeter after landing near Nijmegen. Unfortunately the Germans flung their massive tank reserves at the Americans.
We have been playing a lot of Chain of Command lately. We have an ongoing campaign set in Poland 1939, and another in Market Garden with American paratroopers in Nijmegen. This time we tried our hand in a one-off big CoC game set in Poland. One infantry platoon and armoured support for each side. The Poles did not fare too …