Books, Films, Military history

Napoleonic TV – Captain Coignet

Found a nice old gem from youtube the other day, a French Canadian co-production of the life and adventures of Capitaine Jean Roch Coignet Grenadier de la Garde Impériale. This is a dramatisation of the notebooks of a napoleonic guardsman, who served all the way through from the Italian Campaign of 1800 to Waterloo in 1815. The production quality and …

Albuera 1811 orders of battle

This pdf document lists the forces we employed in our Albuera 1811 refight. We used Shako rules, so each unit is a battalion / cavalry regiment, and each player controlled a division. Albeura 1811 order of battle

Albuera 1811

On May 13th 1811, while beginning to lay siege to Badajoz, Beresford received news that a French relief force of some 25,000 men, led by Marshal Soult, were on their way from Seville. Beresford marched south with 32,000 British, Portuguese and Spanish troops, and on May 15th reached the small town of Albuera. The forces would clash in a bitter, …

Albuera 1811 – figures

Miniatures – British and allies For those who are unfamiliar with the “gaming distance” the term refers to the distance you view your miniatures from when gaming. This usually means a metre or yard. BRITISH Miniatures Janne tried to purpose paint each British and Portuguese unit that took part to the battle. However as the terrain building took somewhat longer …