Battle reports

Blücher and Bailen

Petri, Chris and Aksu had a game of Blücher with 15 mm Spanish and French armies. The game was a refight of Bailen using the scenario from Honour downloads.     The mini campaign saw the main armies find each other at Bailen, with half of the French coming as reinforcements. On the tabletop the Spanish failed to take advantage of …

FoF campaign start: Enduring Oppression

We started a new Force of Force campaign yesterday: “Enduring Oppression” The Soviet experience in Afghanistan. We will be fast-forwarding through the long years of the occupation. In the beginning the Afghans will be poorly armed and disorganised, but as the game progresses they will gain experience and equipment. The Soviets will also evolve during the campaign from a strong …

Chef de Bataillon game

We had a blast from the past in our latest game night. Petri demonstrated the semi-skirmish Napolenic ruleset Chef de Bataillon, published in 1995. We pitted one Austrian battalion (144 figures) against two French battalions (72 figs each). The rules are trying to simulate the role of the battalion commander. Which they do fairly well in my personal opinion. Unfortunately …

Battlefront WWII Campaign 2

The training sessions of 504 Parachute Infantry Regiment of 82nd Airborne in North Carolina continue in 1942 as Company Aksu was given an order to keep control of the bridge with Company Eero acting as reserve initially located in the nearby village. Their opponent, company Janne, was ordered to engage the enemy and take control of the bridge. The attack …